
The State Board of Education monitors the Rapback enrollment of all licensed educators. Beginning in July 2024, the State Board will monitor school bus and van drivers and other individuals working in schools in positions that do not require an education credential.

There are 4 parts to enrolling into Rapback
A) Create an OHID Account
B) New User Profile Setup
C) Request an Educator State ID
D) Enroll in Rapback
The instructions below will help you thru these parts.

A) Create an OHID Account

You may already have an OHID account via the BMV, or other state agencies. If not, follow the instructions to make an account.

Go to https://ohid.ohio.gov/

STEP 1: Click on Create OHID Account button

STEP 2: Provide an email address. It is suggested you use a personal email so that the OHID follows you if you change districts. Click “Send Pin” after entering your email.

STEP 3: Check your email. Enter the PIN in the box and click next. Make sure to look in your email spam folder if you do not see the PIN email.

STEP 4: Enter the required information and click next

STEP 5: Pick a username. I suggest just using your email address.

STEP 6: Create a password.

STEP 7 : OPTIONAL enter your cell number and hit “Send Pin”, then next. There you will enter the pin. Otherwise, you can hit “skip this step”

STEP8: Check I agree, answer the robot question and click “Create Account”

B) New User Profile Setup

Now that your OHID account is done, you must now set up a user profile. Go to https://ohid.ohio.gov/ to log in to your OHID account

STEP 1: Choose either “Visit the App Store” or “APP STORE”

STEP 2: Type in CORE, then click the search icon

STEP 3: Scroll to the bottom and click on “Request Access”

STEP 4: Click on the “Request Access to Group” button

STEP 5: Click on “Agree to Terms” and then “Request Access to Group”

STEP 6: Do NOT click launch. Click Return to the My Apps screen in the top menu

STEP 7: Click Open App

STEP 8: Click Next

STEP 9: Fill in the information and click next

STEP 10: Fill in information, Click the I agree, and then “Click Verify my identification” button. Once you get the green success identification verified bar, click “Next”

STEP 11: Fill out the information and click next

STEP 12: Review the information and click submit

C) Request an Educator State ID

The next step is to request an Educator State ID number for use in the CORE system. The Educator State ID is necessary to complete Rapback enrollment.
NOTE: It can take up to 24 hours before you can request an ID in CORE after doing the Profile set up above.

Go to https://ohid.ohio.gov/ to log in to your OHID account.

STEP 1: Click “Open App” from the my apps screen.

STEP 2: Click on either of the “My Profile” links.
Note: if you get the green success screen instead, you will need to wait longer before accessing CORE.

STEP 3: Click on “Obtain Educator State ID”

STEP 3: Answer the pop up box questions

If you answer Yes to any of these questions, you already have an Educator State ID. You may be prompted to select an account that matches your demographic information. Once you have answered all the questions correctly, your Educator State ID will be assigned automatically and appear on your CORE Dashboard under My Educator State ID.
Please note: If you are a credentialed educator in the State of Ohio, you already have an Educator State ID. You will see it on your CORE Dashboard under My Educator State ID and in My Profile under Educator State ID. IF you are a credentialed educator in the State of Ohio and the Obtain Educator State ID button appears, you may have a duplicate record. This requires maintenance in the data system. DO NOT click Obtain Educator State ID if you are a credentialed educator. Please contact Educator Licensure Customer Support at Educator.Licensure@sboe.ohio.gov to correct the duplicate records

Step 4: Click “Assign my Educator State ID”

STEP 5: You will see the green success popup. Click “Go back to Dashboard”

STEP 6: You will now see your ID number listed. You can now logout .

D) Request to Associate

Step1: The next step is to request to associate to your school, district, or employer.
Please complete the following steps to request to associate before you may be enrolled in Rapback as
a school bus and van driver
an individual working in a school in a position that does not require an
education credential.

Then click the Associate Button

Click on Request to Associate button

Step 2: Begin Entering your information into the Rapback Questionnaire page. Select whether you are a School Bus or Van Driver, or an individual in a Non-credentialed Position, or both.

Step 3: In the Organization IRN or Name box type 048496

Step 4: Click Add Association button. You should now see the associations change from 0 to 1. As in the picture below.

Highland Has been added as an Association

Step 5: Click yes, and then Review and Submit Application.

Step 5: You will be returned to the Core dashboard. YOu should see highland added under the Rapback. It is ok that is says not approved and not enabled.

Updated on August 5, 2024
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